The poetry on this page was written by a survivor during the course of her healing journey. Due to the very nature of sexual abuse, some of these may be very triggering to some survivors so take care of yourself.

All of the poetry on this page is copyrighted and must not be used in any form without the express consent of the author. If you have a question or a comment about this poetry, you can email Chell at

Stolen In Time...
Last week,
I saw someone who remembered me...
we started to talk,
and I realized she remembed me...
before him..
before his hands...
before even my hair hurt...

She remembered a me,
who could not lie,
who did not know how...
who's eyes were a window--
Not blinds...

She remembered me,
Before virginity was a question..

She remembered me,
before I was stolen in time.
I wish she knew me Now
Maybe she could tell me who I used to be...

I want to remember me...
"Me" before him...
before it...
I want to remember how that felt...

Yesterday I saw a movie...
two friends...
planning a wedding...
a friendship marred by--
distance...and circumstance...

Weddings---Stress---And life...
the things that bring out our best...
And our worst...
angry words...
Maybe they have been building for a lifetime...
or maybe a friendship can only survive so much...

And watching this movie...
I started to cry...
Not for the characters---
But for me...

For the friendship...
that did not always survive...
For the damage...
For what was stolen in time...

And I realized...
"Me" doesn't mean what it used to...
"Me" doesn't feel like it used to...
"Me" is just another thing,
Stolen in time...

March 2002

A war inside...
I am twenty-five,
and not so naive anymore...

I was nineteen,
and self-blinded... He was almost forty--
and a predator....and he was my friend...
and I am a prisoner....
He is free,
I was prey...I was small...
I am not so strong anymore...

I wish I had inflicted suicide on him...
instead of my soul....
He is free.

spring 2000


when he touched me,
i thought i should pray for his forgiveness
for his weakness
and for mine....

when he violated me,
i thought i should die
for God did not want me
and he did not care

when he was not punished,
i thought God could not kill him enough times
to make up for what he did to me
and to all the others he touched with his life

when he survived,
and i did not want to
i hated him and life
for laughing at me

when i was finally permitted happiness
i did not enjoy it
i looked for the flaw
for the unseen
and even for the unforgivable

But today when he came around that corner
my spirit quivered just a little
and then i kissed my son
and i walked on
and it did not ruin my day.....

when he dies
i will not cry
and maybe i will say that silent thank you
but i am not sure i will march in the parade
i am not sure anymore that i will cheer

for when a human allows themselves to be evil
i do not believe
God cheers....
and today i cared about that....

july 2002

When you were here...
sometimes i see you, i hear you--
its not just remembering (i'd recognize that)
its being reminded--- held by the vision
sometimes its being gripped--
and ripped apart by your absence,
its being strangled by that harsh thought...

Now your gone,
you were perfect...
did you realize that i saw perfection in you,
when you were here.
no one ever really saw you,
ever really knew you,
ever really cared.
but when you were here,
i cared.
i still care,
i will always, still care.

your eyes did what most can't,
they read souls,
and wrote novels---
with a single glance.
Did anyone ever bother to read you?
Remind me?
I never saw a time that someone read my voice
or the ringing telephone like you...

when you were here--
when you were real,
when you were my friend,
i love you
i love us...
i miss you...

winter 1993

Friendship's Mirage

of course, you say!
Time drew us into spaces--
our spaces, our times...
and in love we grew---
yes, we grew.

You were stronger,
so much stronger than me.
and in desperation--
I tried to be strong for us.
I could not be the weaker of us---
Nor was I strong enough to be the stronger...
so I shadowed
and being the non opinionated one,
and i was
You taught this shadow well.

are you "my" friend?
I have a friend?
and in that shadow--
i grew strong.
i grew loving.
and i grew cautious...

But i stood beside you--
Rather than following any longer...
oh, how i love you---
how i care---
time, distance, and extreme circumstances--
threw us into circles,
that we could not prepare for,
that stopped leaving our spaces alone.

Are you still my friend?
my mirage is no longer strong enough to care...

winter 1993


Graphics by Rebecca